Day 334: happy birthday, nigella

Happy birthday, Nigella! Day 334 is your Galette des Rois. In the spirit of camp: a bejewelled, shimmering, golden crown for the finder of the charm. I sure hope that’s me! (And I hope you’re the finder in yours!)

Daughter made angels (the most epiphanous cutter shape I could find) with the surplus pastry - which the kids will eat dipped in/smothered with a variety of sweet spreads and preserves later - and I found a jar of ogorki kiszone (made last summer) whilst rummaging around in the Everything Cupboard. Wins all-round!

The final 30 countdown to Day 365 will begin very soon - after the next one, actually, which I think will be N’s Caesar Salad from HTE - and I just want to take the opportunity to thank you all again for your support so far, and to cheekily slip in the link my JustGiving fundraiser page for FareShare below ;).

Nigella’s Galette Des Rois

In place of a dried broad bean or charm, I used a baking bean. We haven’t found it yet but I presume it’s still intact.

Recipe in How To Be A Domestic Goddess and on (link below).


Day 335: butterscotch beauty


Day 333: creamed spinach (sort of), the nigellisima way