The cookalong
I consider myself to be a cook of moderate proficiency, but I am increasingly noticing the excessive repetition of many of the dishes that grace our table and the ingredients that fill my trolley each week. I believe the daily stresses of life and my anxiety cause me to stick with what's familiar, as I know it's easy and won’t cause unease. Now, I am more than grateful for the food we have on our table, but the undeniable urge to widen the choice of ingredients I use in the kitchen is at bursting point.
So, here, I embark on a journey of culinary discovery and will cook my through a whole bunch of Nigella recipes. Now, there's nothing original about this concept I am fully aware. It very much echoes the works of blogger Julie Powell and her emulation of recipes from the great Julia Child, but - this, this is my journey. Each dish I make may not follow script precisely if I have to do a little subbing here and there, but they will very much be based on a Nigella original. I define one day as one entry into this blog; it may comprise of multiple recipes or a single recipe but will feature my witterings of the day at the time of posting. I aim to post every other day or 3-4 times per week, so this blog will go on for considerably longer than a year; a realisation that makes me quite happy I must say.
I am not doing this in an attempt to better a recipe or presume I know better. By sharing on here, I am gladly accepting my #365daysofnigella challenge to add some organisation to my daily life and to give me something to look forward to each day when I clock off work. And for me, having worked at home for three years now for myself and by myself, clocking off can well and truly be a challenge. I would like to say that this will add some discipline to my daily routine, but how can channelling Nigella be considered disciplinary?
This is a self-set challenge to encourage us, as a household, to add diversity to our palate, and for me to escape to the kitchen each day for my moment of tranquillity in doing what makes me most happy. And, I would love for you to join us.
Note, I do not say consecutive days. I will, on occasion be away, and we will have a lot of leftovers to gladly devour between each cookalong.