Day 104: supersoft sour clouds

My selections for the next couple of weeks are mostly from Express - with the exception of a fragrant treat from Kitchen and a dark indulgence from Nigellissima - and there is good reason for this: the upcoming work and home schedules are a little more…chaotic…than we’ve been accustomed to over the past 18 months, and because I don’t want the progress of this cookalong to suffer, or for me to lose sight of the reasons why I started it, I’ve decided to pad it out with some express meal choices. After all, we still need to eat - I just need it ready quicker!

Accompanying the express picks are likely to be shorter, or less imaginative/creative, blog posts. As per usual, please do not let this lead you into thinking I’ve given up or lost momentum. All is good!

Kicking off the Express line-up today is Nigella’s Mozarella with Crazy Gremolata.

Nigella’s Mozzarella with Crazy Gremolata

I’ve had more mozzarella balls than I can count, but I’ve never paid much attention to the different types. For example, you have the the milder, more solid/springier kind, and then the more flavoursome milky-white orbs with creamy, supersoft centres; the latter, of course, being the buffalo milk variety. I nearly opted for the cheaper version in the shops but decided to go all out and treat us on this sunny Tuesday afternoon al fresco luncheon.

Flavour musings

Gremalato is a word I’ve heard about the culinary and hospitality world for as long as I can remember. However, if somebody had actually asked me what it was, at best I might have been able to respond with “a green substance you scatter over things”. And even though this isn’t a traditional gremolata, today’s choice did educate me on what constitutes one; the addition of olives, chilli and extra virgin olive oil in this c-c-c-c-razy edition making for a very fine dressing indeed for the cool, slightly sour, supersoft clouds of buffalo mozzarella.


Day 105: very happy eating


Day 103: cheesed-up