Day 123: fabulous eating, with friends

The only thing I’ve managed to do with great success today is snack a lot. Taking frequent trips to the kitchen for a good old fridge forage. Gatherings that I’ve brought back to my desk have included: a couple of slices of toasted Old-Fashioned Sandwich Loaf, one with salami, the other with ham; a slice of cheesy garlic bread, dipped in Beetroot, Chilli and Ginger Sauce; leftover Spiced Bulgur Wheat with Roast Vegetables from dinner last night, with more of the aforementioned sauce drizzled over; and some olives, marinated garlic cloves and a couple of stuffed vine leaves, from the Greek stall at the local makers market. I also had a nice nap on the sofa in the garden. Waking up rather disorientated, hot and dishevelled. Given the colour of my hair at the moment; it looked dangerously Boris-like. Through all of this, I was, of course, supposed to be working, though luckily I was quite productive this morning. Some days you just don’t have it. Whatever ‘it’ may be. But I do know I have a busy day set for catching up tomorrow!

I don’t really have much to share with you today, other than a picture of this gorgeous traybake that I made on Saturday. (Also one of the few occasions I’ve actually been able to make a Nigella recipe on this cookalong to share with friends; something that I hope will happen more often as it becomes safer to do so).

Saturday’s feast comprised of the following: a roast vegetable (peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onions, garlic and olives) and marjoram soup with feta and marinated garlic, a creation of my own devising; Nigella’s One-Pan Chicken with Apricot Harissa and Sweet Potatoes, served with bitter leaves, steamed fine greens tossed in butter, and a bowl of (also Nigella’s) flamboyantly purple Beetroot, Chilli and Ginger Sauce for people to apply as liberally, or reserved, as they chose; and, finally, a cheeseboard with a big plate of Marsala Honey Pears, to finish.

Nigella’s One-Pan Chicken with Apricot Harissa and Sweet Potatoes

Permission is given to use shop-bought harissa, but given that this cookalong is as much about the learning of different culinary skills as it is about diversifying our palates and helping me to manage my anxieties, it made sense to take advantage of having a little free time to make it myself. Not that it is undesirably challenging or difficult to make. There is about half left so I’ll keep this in a jar in the fridge, to make Nigella’s Roast Cauliflower, Apricot Harissa and Spinach next week. I also had a lot of fresh turmeric left, which - knowledge courtesy of Nigella on Twitter - you can freeze whole in an airtight container/freezer bag and just grate from frozen when you need it.

Flavour musings

The candied sweetness of the sweet potatoes and the caramel-like juiciness of the leeks and red peppers are beautifully balanced by the deeply spiced warmth of the harissa and the tanginess of lime. An eating experience - like most of my eating experiences to be honest - that I didn’t want to end. Not so quiet groans of pleasure around the table suggested guests thought the same, too! And, to me, there is no finer sound or happy-making noise that can come from the table as people happily and enthusiastic tuck into the food you’ve prepared for them. Not because it feeds my ego, but because to see people enjoy food, the way I do, is a joyous thing to share.

You’ll need your own copy of Cook Eat Repeat for this recipe.


Day 124: juicy mouthfuls for summer eating


Day 122: reassured deep frying