Day 151: fried chicken for a picnic

A few of you recommend this one, including Queen N herself, and although I am not particularly a fan of home deep fat frying, I simply knew I had to try it. Choice number two, and Day 151 of 365 Days of Nigella: Picnic Fried Chicken.

Nigella’s Picnic Fried Chicken

The only thing I truly hesitated about here was the necessity to chop a whole chicken into small pieces; when it comes to blood I am not squeamish, but it’s a firm no when it comes to crunching/cutting through bones. I’ve watched the goriest horror movies - from realistic to tacky - and it's the breaking-bone or protruding-bone-scenes that send the shudder down my spine. Not that I get pleasure from any gore, you understand.

My cunning plan? Get Mum to do that part. She was coming up to look after the dogs while we went to Manchester Pride, so I asked if she could get a chicken from her butcher and ask him to do it. He was too busy so the responsibility fell upon her. And she did a good job, I must say. Thanks, Mum! It marinated for two days overall - and I got up at 7 am on the day of the picnic, dredged the now tender chicken pieces in their mustardy coating and began frying it in batches. Not the most relaxing way to wake up, I must say, but the result was very rewarding indeed. I did run out of patience eventually and only fried about two-thirds of it; the other third sits in its lemony, mustard marinade in the freezer now. To be fair, I did well to fry as much as I did! I am not known for my patience.

I must add that at the very last minute, just before dredging, I realised that the chicken - or at least some of it - had to be gluten free. Unprepared and in a panic I just grabbed the cornmeal and went with that (and the mustard powder). It didn't adhere quite as well as flour might have, but it gave a nice nubbly crunch.

Flavour musings

Sprightly and slightly sour with lemon, pungent and gently heated with pepper and mustard: Nigella’s Picnic Fried Chicken made a fabulous addition to our Bank Holiday Picnic.

The recipe for this one can be found in Nigella Summer.


Day 152: cold meat


Day 150: pie i love