Day 153: every picnic needs a slaw

It’s true, every panic needs a coleslaw. It’s also true that I’m very fussy about my coleslaw. I was going to make one to my own recipe, but Nigella - and quite a few of you, actually - recommended her New Orleans Coleslaw. As this is a Nigella cookalong, and it was probably about time I gave someone else’s slaw a chance, I think it made perfect sense to get this in the line-up now. Don’t you?

I make a similar (more festive) version if this, that graces many eating occasions in our house during the winter months: I use red cabbage, brussel sprouts, dried cranberries, mango chutney (Nigella-inspired), mayo, lemon juice and nuts. (Plus a few other ingredients, that I’ll perhaps share with you when the season comes, should you be interested, of course).

Nigella’s New Orleans Coleslaw

As you know, the first time I cook something in the cookalong I follow the recipe to a T; making no deviations unless for dietary requirements or sourcing issues. I totally missed that savoy cabbage could be used, so I used white cabbage. Not sure I how I missed this. I’ve always preferred the frilly, green, irony, crunchy chew of savoy. I think I just never liked boiled white cabbage as a child, except doused in vinegar, mint sauce or brown sauce. Or, stewed with peppercorns and lamb, known in Norway as Fårikål.

Anyway, I proceeded with a white cabbage and very much enjoyed the 7am chopping and grating of all the ingredients. I do love prep work!

Flavour musings

Gorgeous crunch and eatable by the bucketload. I adore the celery and the walnuts - it's got a touch of the Waldorf about it. (I’d be keen to try a few sliced grapes tossed through through next time).


Day 154: something sweet


Day 152: cold meat