Day 163: cosy comfort

So much of a recipe’s charm, in my humble opinion, lies within the headnote. When I read that all [insert author’s name] wants for dinner at the end of a long day is [insert recipe name in question], it immediately makes me crave it too! They flirt with my passion for food and exploit my fear of missing out - and that’s when you know you’ve found a writer/cook that you can relate to. And I just love them for it! Though my waistline may not.

It was the headnote of today's pick that seduced me into adding it to the list (and it’s also another from my How To Be A Domestic Goddess line-up). Nigella’s Supper Onion Pie marks Day 163 and the continuation of my foray into baking more.

Nigella’s Supper Onion Pie

The picture alone, in HTBADG, is a siren’s song; luring you close to the edge of temptation. Soft, sweet, sticky onions atop a baked, cheesy, scone-like dough. I mean that’s next level heaven, right?

The onions took a little longer to soften and darken than I anticipated, but this could have been due to the fact I was running up and down the stairs in the middle of an online conference whilst cooking, so I had the temperature on very low. After this, it’s all pretty playschool-level stuff really: mix wet ingredients into dry, mould into a disc shape and place on top of cheese-topped onions in a pie/skillet. Let the oven do the rest.

I think cooking the onions slower and for longer caused them to reduce in volume quite significantly as I’m not sure the dough-to-onion ratio I ended up with wasn't quite right. Nevertheless, it was scrumptiously comforting and devoured greedily, alongside the peppery bite of rocket and the sharp tang of brown sauce.

I was aiming for a more rustic-looking photo, but seem to have ended up with something a bit more modern and pristine-looking!

Flavour musings

It’s basically a giant, cheesy scone-like thing topped with soft and deeply sweet cooked red onions, salty cheddar and the woodsy aura of thyme. As the nights draw in, this is the kind of comfort you want on your side!

You can find the recipe for Nigella’s Supper Onion Pie in How To Be A Domestic Goddess (p85).


Day 164: the autumn queen


Day 162: bean mash