Day 192: amore

Currently en route to Chester, for an evening with the queen, so you’ll have to forgive me for keeping this one short.

Nigella’s Pasta e Fagioli

Life's a little overwhelming at the moment (nothing bad) and this is just the kind of food I need in it. The kind that reaches out from the bowl, hot and steaming, and wraps you up in a warm embrace. Day 192 is Nigella’s Pasta e Fagioli. Thick, aromatic, carby, soothing goodness that you can't help but eat with a smile of utter content fixed firmly upon your face. Now that's amore.

The recipe for this one can be found on p?? (I’ll check when I get back home) of Nigella Bites and on (link below).


Day 193: even more joy forecast this christmas


Day 191: suet: the conduit