Day 200: a celebration with pudding

While I certainly see no bright side to Covid, I can see a benefit, in addition to keeping everyone safe, of self-isolation: it kind of forces you to increase the efficiency of your store cupboard, fridge and freezer forages and make the most of the non-perishable/preserved/cryogenically frozen goods you already have to hand. (I never let anything go to waste anyway, but I do perhaps keep things in the freezer for a little longer than is recommended.)

Currently, hubby is the only one in the house with covid, but as we're both isolating I'll just be cooking whatever I can over the next couple of weeks - avoiding all unnecessary trips out. If either of us loses our taste, however, I'll pause the cookalong altogether until it returns! Yes, I know we still need to eat, but this cookalong is also about the excitement of cooking new things and I want to be able to actually taste them when I try them.

In the meantime, a self-isolation-induced freezer rummage gifted me with about 400g of sliced panettone, so I made this gorgeously light and bouncy, and exceptionally delicious treat: Day 200 is Nigella's Panettone Pudding.

Nigella’s Panettone Pudding

Making the most of what we already had in the house, I opened a bottle of Tokaji - a Hungarian wine, from the Tokaji wine region, with a lovely, fragrant sweetness - that was given to us by our very good Hungarian friend Timi and her lovely husband Jake.

Day 200 feels like it should be a big day in the cookalong; to celebrate it, I plan to fill my evening with pudding eating and Tokaji sipping on the sofa.

The recipe for this one can be found on p164 of Nigella Christmas.


Day 201: pillowy and crisp


Day 199: slick sprouts