Day 206: festive exuberance

Fabulously festive and gorgeously short chocolatey biscuits. These were made for a very special occasion indeed, and although I can't say much on what that was right now, I hope that I can very soon! For now, though, I’m afraid I must keep this super short; on top of the usual pre-Christmas rush - work and life admin, you know how it is - we have a gazillion other things going on. Despite this, I was delighted to find the time to make a batch of Nigella’s Christmas Chocolate Cookies and sprinkle them with much festive exuberance indeed. I made more mess than a child probably would, but the dogs were lying in wait, tails wagging, ready to chase and collect the rogue sprinkles as they flew about the kitchen. Fun was had by all!

Nigella’s Christmas Chocolate Cookies

The recipe for these can be found on p234 of Nigella Christmas and on (link below).


Day 207: merry christmas and happy holidays


Day 205: core-collapsing comfort