Day 233: cook for ukraine

The world is a terrible place at the moment. I mean, it hasn’t been a great place for a long time, but the current situation forced upon Ukraine has really proven how low humanity can stoop. I’ve been lying awake at night trying to imagine what it would be like to live in a country under invasion and the truth is I just can’t. I am terrified; I can’t imagine how those who are directly impacted by it are feeling.

My heart hurts for how scared so many children and families are, but it’s also bursting with awe and admiration at the pride and bravery so many are fighting with to protect their loved ones and their country. This heroism and togetherness are a symbol of just how great humanity can be.

So much death. So much sadness. So much pain. So much fear. So much bravery! My - and my family’s - thoughts and prayers are with all those who are affected by the tragedies of this situation.

Day 233 is dedicated to #CookForUkraine and the cause it supports.

“#CookForUkraine aims to increase awareness of the humanitarian crisis the world faces right now, as well as raise the funds needed to aid children & families in Ukraine who have been displaced by the current situation.” And so Day 233 is for #CookForUkraine: Olia Hercules Pampushky; the plumpest of yeasty rolls, baked and smothered with parsley-flecked garlic loveliness straight from the oven. I probably should have left them to rise for a little longer, but I had a very small window of opportunity: the children were nipping at my ankles, tugging on my socks, and hubby was leaving for work.

Olia Hercules’s Ukrainian Garlic Bread - Pampushky

The link for the #CookForUkraine JustGiving page is below and the recipe for Olia's Pampushky can be found in her book Mamushka - which I have on order and eagerly await - and on (link also below).


Day 234: a hit of chocolate


Day 232: a long-time favourite