Day 237: little cosy pots

I don’t think I usually go in for miniaturising mains, or even individually portioning them (unless for the freezer), but I couldn’t resist for Day 237 and Nigella’s Indian Spiced Shepherd’s Pies. The happiness and pride on the kids’ faces as they tucked into their own little cosy pots of gorgeously spiced meat and gingery, sweet mash was so worth the long and loud small dish hunt, and is all the payment I need as their loyal - and tired - cook, who now seems to spend 80% of his waking hours on-demand in the kitchen. (Wouldn't change it.)

Nigella’s Indian-Spiced Shepherd’s Pie

Nigella’s Indian-Spiced Shepherd’s Pie

Served with steamed broccoli tumbled about with onions and garlic caramelised in coconut oil with ground cumin and garam masala, chopped pistachios (left from topping the pies) and fresh coriander. Pic of the on my Insta, should you be interested.

The recipe for these can be found on p89 of Simply and on (link below).


Day 238: happy gorgeousness


Day 236: the bitter orange