Day 240: it’s not sunday, but…

I know it's not Sunday, but if it’s capable of providing the comfort required the night before a Monday morning, it’s perfect for the food hug you often find yourself needing come Wednesday lunchtime: Day 240, and lunch for the cherubs, is Nigella’s Sunday Night Pasta. Another wonderful - and quick - method for delivering the comfort and reassurance of the storecupboard stock cube, thick double cream and pasta.

Nigella’s Sunday Night Pasta

Nigella’s Sunday Night Pasta

There was absolutely no chance there were going to be any leftovers for me to scavenge, so I made a very generous batch to ensure my needs were also met.

Thanks for the recommendation, N!

You can find the recipe for Nigella’s Sunday Night Pasta on p244 of Feast.


Day 241: chocolate orange


Day 239: tender golden veg