Day 364: my last cookalong

Well, this is it guys. My last cookalong of the cookalong! It may seem silly, to some, but I’m actually tearing up a bit; this cookalong has been a way of life, an integral part of our family routine, for over two years now. I’d be fibbing if I said that life isn’t going to be a bit weird without it. And for the near future, I really think it will seem like something is missing.

Nigella’s Ham in Coca Cola, Sweetcorn Pudding, South Beach Black Bean Soup and Watermelon Daiquiris

363 entries into this blog have been leading up to this point, and it gives me great pleasure, with an overwhelming volume of mixed emotions in my heart, to present to you the final feast (to be cooked by me, anyway) of 365 Days Of Nigella: Day 364 is @nigellalawson’s Ham in Coca Cola*, Sweetcorn Pudding, South Beach Black Bean Soup and - to keep cool and replenished while cooking and provide dessert for afters - Watermelon Daiquiris. My last cookalong just had to come from Bites. A truly fabulous feast - the whole scrumptious kit and caboodle.

*In my excitement, I did forget to stick on the demerara before roasting; I had no mustard powder, either, so I mixed regular in with the black treacle before painting on the joint.

Of course, you’re not wrong in noticing this is only Day 364, but I’m afraid you’re just going to have to wait a bit longer for the big finale. There is still so much more that I want to say, however, I need a little more time to get it all down on paper (screen/PC/laptop). For now, though, my cooking here is done; I’ll be kicking back - Campari and soda in hand, perhaps - and letting someone else do the cooking for Day 365.

Love to all 💕

All of the recipes can be found in Bites; the Ham in Coca Cola is also on (see below).


Day 365: lunch at nigella’s


Day 363: the elvis