Day 43: one for the harried cook

I didn’t actually intend on making one for the cookalong today, rather instead I had planned on a one-pot-improv-dinner as it was quite late in the evening already and I had been sat at the computer for what seemed like 12 hours (to be fair it wasn’t far off!). I proceeded - as planned - to get the ingredients together, collecting anything that crossed my mind: some orzo from the cupboard, a cup of frozen petit pois from the freezer, a packet of cubed pancetta (dangerously close to its best before date) from the fridge, a rather wilted leek, and some parmesan.

365 Days of Nigella - Day 43 - Pasta Risotto with Peas and Pancetta

Collectively, they triggered a flashback to an episode of Nigellissima that I watched the other week, and I soon began to wonder if perhaps there was some kind of subconscious – or indeed spiritual - navigation going on here because the ingredients that I had pulled together, in fact, make Nigella’s Pasta Risotto with Peas and Pancetta. Okay, so the leek isn’t included in the original recipe, but I believe leek to be the allium of comfort – which is exactly what I needed – and I was also not prepared to let it go to waste. Upon the realisation that I did indeed have all of the ingredients to count toward a 365 Days of Nigella cookalong, I was more than happy to hand over the reins and take direction from Nigelissima.

Nigella’s Pasta Risotto with Peas and Pancetta


I am becoming quite the fan of orzo: I enjoyed it very much in Nigella’s Orzo with Meatballs (Day 10), and have often since cooked it on its own - stirred through with butter, parmesan, fresh dill, and a scattering of toasted pine nuts - as a starchy side in place of potatoes. At the same time, I find it light, delicate, and easy on the digestion.

Mondays are horrendously busy at work for me - for you too, I’m sure - and usually, our dinner will consist of Sunday’s leftovers. However, as it stands, this Sunday gifted us no leftovers - or rather we stole its gift of leftovers with our appetite - so this low-effort solution to dinner was a pleasant discovery indeed.

The only other risotto I have ever made was Nigella’s Cheddar Cheese Risotto (Day 32), and while that was a meditative delight to make, this pasta risotto takes the top of the leader board in effortlessness. It also offers serval benefits to a tired, harried cook: the key one being that you didn’t need to stand over the pot for 20 minutes, stirring continuously. As relaxing as that can be, it was not the aide I was in search of today.

I am not overly thrilled with my photo of this one, but all I wanted was for it to be in my bowl and for me to be on the sofa - with it.

Flavour musings  

365 Days of Nigella - Day 43 - Pasta Risotto with Peas and Pancetta

Gloriously easy to make, and pleasurably enjoyable to eat, Nigella’s Pasta Risotto with Peas and Pancetta was the comforting, warming, and supportive one-pot supper that I needed tonight. I am securing this one firmly in the recipe bank, for when the time comes and we have children, I foresee the need to very frequently call upon it, or a version thereof.  And, even if you don’t have children - as it’s not only persons with children that experience everyday pressures and are short of time - there is absolutely nothing wrong with picking a simple-supper; I used to give myself quite a hard time for doing so, but now I fully - and gratefully - embrace the notion, and indeed its practice.

I really do like the texture of orzo, so much so that I think I might even forget to chew it on occasion. If the pancetta I used wasn’t a little tough, then I may well have consumed the entire bowl without so much as a mastication in sight.


Day 44: in at the deep end


Day 42: a delectable surprise