Day 55: skipping merrily into march

I didn’t anticipate for this to be in the line-up (for this week anyway), but that doesn’t mean I'm not happy that it found its way in there. As we entered March, Nigella delivered her timely #RecipeOfTheDay post across social media depicting some beautiful muffins; neatly styled in a gingham-lined basket and perfectly apt for imagining oneself skipping through a field with (scene complete with meadow flowers and a gentle breeze passing through your hair). Of course, if I was to try that where I live, and in this current weather, that would probably resemble something closer to plodding un-elegantly through 8 inches of thick mud and then ending not so gracefully with a faceful of mud pie.

365 Days of Nigella - Day 55 - Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

Field-skipping ambitions aside, I was very happy to discover that I had all of the ingredients I needed to make Nigella’s Apple and Cinnamon Muffins - without needing to leave the house for supplies, which is a good thing too, given the current circs.

Nigella’s Apple and Cinnamon Muffins


This was another bake I tried with the fan off and compared to the previous batch of muffins that I made (Day **), which I do know I overbaked, they were a lot moister. My photo looks somewhat different, and they seem to have come out with more of a domed top than a flat top, but this hardly affected their taste and they were absolutely delicious.

My husband always insists on having something sweet in the house and I have to say that having a stash of muffins to hand for on-demand snacking is actually a far less stressful way to ensure his sweet-tooth is satisfied; if I make a cake I turn into an obsessive cake-slicing general who can’t tolerate anyone cutting their cake; especially not my husband who cuts it at wonky angles or who sometimes doesn’t even bother slicing piece and just lifts the film (or cover) and goes straight in with a fork. I can’t say I blame him, we can all be savage when our favourite foods are on the line, but if I have to take the time to make it then surely he can take the time to slice it. No?!

Flavour musings


I will find the perfect field in summer to skip through with a basket of these - and make sure it’s recorded for you all to see - but for now, I thought I’d photobomb this photo op.

The day after baking these I did find some gingham napkins, which I intended to use to emulate Nigella’s styling, but this was not meant to be; by the time I got around to taking that photo, most of the muffins were gone. They were enjoyed with coffee and tea, and also warmed through drizzled with cold vanilla sauce; soon after proceeding to drink the remaining vanilla sauce as if it were a milkshake. Well it’s the same concept, right?

Nigella’s Apple and Cinnamon Muffins were a welcomed delight for skipping merrily into March with; sweet with honey and apple, and wholesome and nutty with spelt and unblanched almonds.


Day 56: one for the unpracticed fish cook


Day 54: the anise allure