Day 64: re-energised and feeling good

I have to say, things seem to be getting a bit hectic: work is busy and I am finding even less time to devote to extracurricular activities. I do not consider the cooking component of this cookalong to be extracurricular - it is an essential part of my everyday life, and not something I consider out of routine - but the writing, however, can be time-consuming. This is not me admitting defeat or making excuses, it is simply me realising that sometimes I need to make small adjustments to help keep the stress down and the pressure off. We’ve all been there, and we’re all guilty of not being as conscious of it as we perhaps should be. All things considered - psychologically, emotionally and physically - it has been a much better week, but it’s important not to be lured into thinking this gives consent to go full steam ahead; it’s important to take each day as it comes, with steadiness and a level head. This is of course easy to preach, but hard to practice, so please don’t let me fool you into thinking that I’m the expert!


On occasions such as this, I arm myself with Simply Nigella. I find its whole concept relaxing: with zen-inducing qualities, it’s packed with simple feel-good food that looks delicious and just resonates calmness. As I’ve mentioned before, I also find it very nostalgic, and to read through it fills me with a calmness that helps pacify even the rockiest of anxiety-ridden moments.

With this in mind, I asked my followers on social media for some recommendations (from Simply Nigella), and one response was to try Nigella’s Thai Turkey Meatballs. I love meatballs and I love Thai food, particularly Thai Green Curry, and I’ve often admired the picture of this recipe in the cookbook. So, this recommendation I accepted with great gratitude. Once upon a time, I thought meatball-making to be far too time-consuming, and dull, but with that naivety now rectified, I was very happy at the notion of taking 5 minutes (or 15) to make them tonight.

Nigella’s Thai Turkey Meatballs

365 Days of Nigella - Day 64 - Thai Turkey Meatballs

This is indeed very simple to make. The only obstacle I encountered was not being able to shape the meatballs into neat spheres: the mix was too wet and probably too warm, as I had been defrosting the turkey mince on the counter all day. I probably didn’t squeeze enough of the courgette juice enough either, to be honest. Anyway, it was fixed with a tablespoon of breadcrumbs and 20 minutes in the fridge to harden up a little. I then proceeded as per the recipe.

To be fair, absolutely nothing needs to be served with this, but I did do some rice noodles to go on the side - I love the creamy, fragrant sauce of a Thai Green Curry with noodles. The noodles were easy to make: soaked in boiling water for 2 mins and then rinsed under boiling water before tumbling through a warmed dressing of sake, lime juice, soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame (oil and seeds) and chilli flakes.

Flavour musings

These beautifully fragranced meatballs, bobbing about in a creamy Thai coconut sauce, were the perfect ending to a much better week. This is the kind of food that lifts spirits, re-energises and satisfies.

The meatball mix kind of reminded me of the filling you find in some types of dim sum dumplings: in that there’s an abundance of garlic and ginger, not in geographical origin.

I’m becoming more and more fond of coriander and after this photo was taken I did in fact apply a generous scattering of some; freshly chopped and in abundance.


Day 65: sunday puds


Day 63: a (very) pleasant fridge-forage surprise