Day 79: springtime basking

Another totally unplanned entry. I was in the supermarket on Saturday, browsing the yellow sticker section, and saw a large, gorgeously plump avocado reduced to mere pennies. Knowing I had half a packet of Roquefort in the fridge already, there was only one thing for it: Nigella’s Roquamole. Finally! I’ve wanted to make this for years and years, but ALWAYS forget when I’m out shopping, only remembering right at the wrong time.

365 Days of Nigella - Day 79 - Roquamole

Nigella’s Roquamole

On Sunday, the sun was shining beautifully: that rejuvenating, delectate springtime heat beaming gently down on our faces - perfect for taking the covers off the garden furniture and lazing about with snacks, drinks and a lounged read of Nigella’s article in the 20th Anniversary Edition of the Observer Food Monthly, which boasted a beautiful photo of the queen herself on its cover.

This dip was the work of minutes and made all the easier on account of the fact that the avocado was so ripe. To dip, we had red chicory spears and crackers. I want to try blue corn chips, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen them in the shops. On the other hand, I’ve never looked for them either so that probably explains why.

Flavour musings

An audience with the queen through the Observer Food Monthly, a creamy, tang-spiked avocado dip, basking in the springtime sun and a jug of punch: the perfect ending to a lovely weekend. I adore Roquefort (or any blue cheese really) and I love guacamole, so this is right up my street and it perplexes me that I’ve not made it before! I am terrible at remembering to try things. I can write it on a hundred lists, multiple times, but I’ll always still forget. Another reason I am so happy for this cookalong: my meals are based around recipe selections so I’ve got no choice but to remember!


Day 80: vinegar on your sunday dinner


Day 78: bliss