Day 110: lazy days

Sending love to all those with and without their Dads today; I know that it can be either celebratory or heartbreaking, or both, in so many different ways depending on your circumstances. It's also a tough day for those waiting still to be fathers, and for those whose time as a father has been cruelly cut short. My thoughts and love are with you.

I hope to mark the day with my Dad sometime later in the summer. I’ll think of something to cook for the cookalong!

I’ve had an unshakable lethargy for the past few days so I will post a picture here, and a few short sentences, but then bow out to avoid masses of mistakes and tiresome witterings.

Today I post about yesterday’s bake: Nigella's Lazy Loaf. I feel the name alone gives me permission to have a lazy blog entry to match; though I assure you this loaf is far more impressive than the efforts of my musings today, and the reward far greater.

Nigella's Lazy Loaf

I chose a Swiss-style muesli - or so the packet said - which seems to be an oaty muesli rich in nuts, toasted oats and sultanas.

Measure/weigh ingredients and mix. Pour into the loaf tin. Bake on low for a short while and then turn up the oven and cook until golden. On tapping its base, you should hear a dulled-hollow sound; because of its denseness, it won’t sound as hollow as say tapping on the Old-Fashioned Sandwich Loaf. There is nothing else to it. No kneading, or proving.

Flavour musings

This fabulous loaf is deliciously dense and tremendously easy to make, and the sultanas in my choice of muesli tenderised into little pockets of sweet, molasses-like gooeyness. Lush with both sweet and savoury toppings. It really makes you feel like you’re eating something quite wholesome and healthy, too, though it could be argued that the amount of butter and marmalade I’ve been slathering on to slices of it is somewhat counter-effective to that claim.


Day 111: a woe-banishing, one-pot wonder


Day 109: a happy freezer-find