Day 228: a fiesta of colour

Layers of sweet happiness and vibrant colour: Day 229 is Nigella’s Tortilla Lasagne (with Avocado Salsa).

Nigella’s Tortilla Lasagne

To cater for all levels of heat tolerance I went easy on the chilli, in both the salsa for the lasagne and the avocado salsa on the side, but blitzed up a batch of Jumbo Chilli Sauce - with half a jar of roasted peppers left from a previous batch of the same sauce and some red chillies from the freezer - for those in need of a higher heat factor (myself included). There's not as much left of this - for tonight's supper - as I was hoping; I'd even made a larger (30cm) one with 50% more ingredients!

Recipe for the Tortilla Lasagne can be found on p105 of Kitchen and on (link below), and the Avocado Salsa on p107 of the same book.


Day 229: sweet, delicate kisses


Day 227: golden goodness