Day 336: a yolky emulsion

A big bowl of crisp lettuce, glazed with a rich, yolky emulsion glistening in the January sun. Salty with parmesan and studded with garlicky roast cubetti di patate. Day 336 is Nigella’s Caesar Salad*. This was one of Nigella’s recommendations for the Final 30, and sublime is my word for it.

*WITH anchovies.

Nigella’s Caesar Salad

Nigella’s Caesar Salad

I know this might not sound like the compliment I mean for it to be, but: I will never buy bottled Caesar dressing again. I never even thought salad dressings could be made with fresh egg yolks. How utterly divine. I actually rarely buy bottled dressing any more at all, on account of the fact Nigella gave us that creamy garlicky and anchovy one - made first for Day 78 - in Cook Eat Repeat.

Recipe for Nigella’s Caesar Salad is in How To Eat.


Day 337: take-you-back-in-time comfort


Day 335: butterscotch beauty