Day 106: oodles of noodles

This pick couldn't have come at a better time, actually. We are off to a little garden party today and I said we’d take a little something. As much as I love cooking, I was starting to wonder where exactly I was going to find the time to prepare something on top of work, every day chores, general life, and this cookalong. So, I took a look at my line-up of recipes for the next couple of weeks and eureka, there was my answer, written on my very worn blackboard: Nigella's Sesame Peanut Noodles.

Nigella's Sesame Peanut Noodles

I doubled the recipe - need to make sure there’s enough in the fridge at home for me to graze on over the next few days you see: I'm not sharing it all(!) - and I used one of my new favourite sweet chilli sauces (Yeo's Sweet Chilli Sauce), which has a tamarind sourness and is thicker and more red red than the translucent pink/red one (which I also like). I used crunchy peanut butter: we love the crunch.

It all my years of cooking fresh egg noodles I can honestly say that I've never thought of eating them straight from the packet! So this realisation makes me very happy.

Flavour musings

The answer to committing (gladly, by the way) to bringing a bowl of something delicious to a garden party: Nigella's Sesame Peanut Noodles. They’re in the back of the car as we speak, and if I had a fork, and wasn’t wearing white, I’d be tucking in right now.

Signing off now - I’m not into this long writing using a phone! Have a fabulous weekend! This is our first little outdoor gathering since 2020 (maybe 2019!) and I’m quite excited!


Day 107: thrillful mouthfuls


Day 105: very happy eating