Day 107: thrillful mouthfuls

This one has spent a long time waiting. Why? I cannot say. But the important thing is that it finally happened today. In fact, there were even cinematic vibes resonating in the atmosphere as I prepared to make this dark indulgence: from nowhere, the dark, grey clouds came rolling in as if in preparation for Dracula’s awakening. Perfect drama for the treat in store.

Nigella’s Liquorice Pudding

I confess that I did stray slightly from the original recipe, which I am aware is against mission brief for first attempts, but it was better than letting it go to waste. I had made an espresso earlier in the day to let cool for an iced coffee, but I didn’t get around to using it, so I used some of it here to slake the cornflour before stirring into the cream.

There was a small amount of further drama: I kept the pudding on the heat for too long and noticed that it started to split. In a panic, I threw in a small handful of crushed ice from the top drawer of the freezer draw and thankfully it returned to a smooth, silky, buff-coloured delight once again. This may have affected the setting of the dessert slightly though, but as I have never made it before I am not quite sure what it should be like.

Flavour musings

Everything about this was like being in an advert for a well-known ice cream on a stick with a crunchy outer shell: from the first thrill-inducing mouthful to the frenzied scraping of the spoon at the bottom of the cup. Nigella’s Liquorice Pudding was every bit the treat it promised to be.


Day 108: a quiet happy zone


Day 106: oodles of noodles