Day 15: muffins for a monday

You may well think muffins are hardly something I should be including in a cookalong challenge - if the sole brief of said challenge were to be adventurous and challenge the taste buds - but, I have in fact never (successfully) made muffins. I did try a few years ago, and although very nice (I think), they were more like small cupcakes. I am notoriously impatient, and a common side effect of this to manifest itself in the kitchen is the apparent inability to read a recipe thoroughly. I can therefore only naturally conclude that I used the wrong measurements, or - more likely - greedily tried to make too many muffins out of the mix, resulting in small, rather bijou, looking muffins.


I also thought this particular cookalong a good opportunity to practice cooking in a meditative state, as I can often get quite flustered when it comes to baking in general - another reason perhaps why I tend not to dabble too often.

There was something very refreshing about making muffins for breakfast on a Sunday morning, instead of the chaotic fluttering about the kitchen preparing a fried breakfast, though - of course - I am very fond of black pudding, sausage, tinned pasta hoops in tomato sauce, white toast and a great many hash browns as a breakfast du jour.

It was a recent repeat of Simply Nigella on the BBC that inspired me to channel my inner baker and opt for a more wholesome approach to breakfast this Sunday with Nigella’s Chai Muffins. I have also never cooked with spelt flour, so there is another reason for it to qualify for 365 Days of Nigella, in case there was speculation.

Nigella’s Chai Muffins

365 Days of Nigella - Day 15 - Chai Muffins 6.jpg

As I mentioned before; I am prone to a touch of the nerves when it comes to baking. So, I got Alexa on the case to play some chilled Christmas jazz and I took even further comfort in knowing that, for the next hour or so anyway, I was under the safe guidance of Nigella via one of her eloquently written recipes.

On reflection, I was rather fond of this time spent calmly pottering about the kitchen - which was now filled with beautifully festive aromas from the chai-steeped almond milk. Everything else was as simple as the step-by-step instructions and all went to plan, perfectly stress free. The reward; enjoying several muffins, a hot cup of coffee and a flick through my favourite magazines.

May I also just add that there is something gratifyingly satisfying about tearing open tea bags and using their fragranced contents to make something that isn’t a cup of tea. Wonders never cease!

Flavour musings

The spelt I think brings a sweet nuttiness to the muffin formula, without the bitterness of whole wheat flour. The nuttiness is further amplified by the almond crunch; suspended softly within the crumb itself and atop too, toastily crisp. I like my muffins sweet, but these were perfectly balanced for breakfast and even though household feedback was to add more sugar - I think this contradicts the purpose of a healthier breakfast muffin.

Sunday muffing baking will become the new norm in this house. If your Mondays are as chaotic as mine then you will be very grateful to have a batch of these ready to warm through quickly in the oven, without the need to think of much else (something I often struggle with first thing on a Monday morning).


Day 16: squeaking and crunching


Day 14: another anchovy showdown