Day 165: it’s my birthday

Minimal wittering from me today. In case you didn’t guess from this post title - it’s my birthday! Not that I’m one to make a scene about it, you understand. Who am I kidding? I’m happy for anyone and everyone to know it’s my birthday! And happy birthday to anyone else celebrating their birthday today; particularly to my birthday twin and one of my best friends, Michelle. Love you!

If the Damson Fool is Autumn’s Queen, then this is Autumn’s God(dess). It’s everything I love, including a name that flirts with my love for the season. It’s another bake from my How To Be A Domestic Goddess line-up, and Day 165: Nigella’s Autumnal Birthday Cake.

Nigella’s Autumnal Birthday Cake

A damp, caramelly, maple sponge filled and dressed with a sticky, marshmallow maple and vanilla icing.

Enough from me today. Cracking on with some work so I can finish at lunchtime. Did I mention it was my birthday?


Day 166: a gorgeous fusion


Day 164: the autumn queen