Day 185: runkled gorgeousness

When life turns chaotic - everything zooming around in your head at 100mph - it’s not just the quick and easy that can appease. This is where, for me, the slower-paced, meditative labours of love come into play: they grant you a prolonged stretch of time to focus on the task at hand - giving you a better chance of forgetting, or parking, your troubles and woes. This downtime is probably the best kind of rest your brain could desire; pacifying the anxiety monster and enabling you to recollect and face the anxieties with a sharper mind and a stronger, more relaxed posture.

Nigella’s Lasagne of Love

I could write for hours, expressing just how wonderful Nigella’s Lasagne of Love is. Alas, I have a rotten cold - am feeling very sorry for myself - and, unfortunately, I just don't have the time. On this occasion, therefore, allow me to take the 'less is more' approach by keeping this short. This lasagne is EVERYTHING: a joy to cook, construct, gaze upon and devour. Also, I think the smiles on eaters' faces say more than a thousand words ever could! And, believe me, I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. I have a bit of a weakness for cold lasagne and managed to graze my way through - solo - a good third of it last night (might have had a pleasurable sliver for breakfast this morning too). Bowl of crisp romaine hearts, on the side, torn up and tossed in a shallot and chive dressing (see page p197 of CER).

You can find the recipe for Nigella’s Lasagne of Love on p171 of Cook Eat Repeat and on (link below).


Day 186: na zdrowie


Day 184: a simply kind of day