Day 196: next-level gravy

I think sausage and mash, with sweet, butter-drenched petit pois on the side, is perhaps one of my top ten favourite meals. I like it basic, and am very happy with instant gravy granules, though sometimes I will cook the sausages on a bed of sliced onions and sauerkraut in the oven - which is divine, by the way - and occasionally I add kale to the mash, along with exceedingly large amounts of butter. Yesterday, however, I decided to to take the gravy option to the next level with Nigella’s Cumberland Gravy.

On Saturday mornings at Uni, when to wake up hungover was simply standard and expected, I would often make myself a big bowl of buttery mash with curly kale mixed through and a thick onion gravy poured over the over. I’d then take said bowl back to bed with me eat the lot with a spoon while watching tele. The luxury of having the time to do that is long gone, but this plate of gorgeousness certainly helped nurse the aftermath of Friday night's celebrations - along with consecutive movie viewing, a tin of After Eights and a few pints of tea (not actually drank in pints).

Nigella’s Cumberland Gravy

A gravy that gives it all: sweetness, a slight sourness, saltiness, a little kick from mustard and super soft, melt-in-the-mouth onions. Wonderful ladled over last yesterday’s hangover-nursing sausage and mash. Kale in the mash; buttery petit pois, mustard and a fermented cucumber on the side.

The recipe for Nigella’s Cumberland Gravy can be found in At Amy Table.


Day 197: *exceedingly* good


Day 195: more oven madness