Day 203: the ace of sauces

I realise the blog has evolved into something of a sounding board of random - albeit food-related - entries over the past couple of months, but that’s exactly what I need from it right now. I understand that might not be what you signed up/followed for, but I promise it’ll all make sense very soon. We reached a very exciting point in our lives today (more on this soon!) and I feel I need to be spending as much time as possible making the most of this calm before the storm period to carry out essential life/house admin because, soon, we’re going to be begging for just five minutes of peace to get stuff done. And lord knows when I’ll find the time to come on here! This is a good storm we’re expecting, by the way; the kind that will bring joy, love, mayhem and challenges galore. We’re excited for it and I’m excited to see how this blog/cooking will evolve as we adjust.

We wolfed down yesterday’s dinner with greed and great joy: Nigella’s Rump Steaks with Anchovy Cream Sauce; Tuscan Fries, from Nigellisima; and a salad of bitter-sweet castelfranco radicchio with a spritz of fresh clementine juice and extra virgin olive oil.

Nigella’s Rump Steaks with Anchovy Cream Sauce

I did have the flame quite high when frying the steaks (which I ended up cooking for about a minute too long on each side, for my liking), so to bring the temperature down, and ensure maximum release of those sticky bits, I sploshed in a glug of marsala before adding the cream and bringing to a rapid simmer.

This sauce is a certified eyes-roll-into-the-back-of-your-head-in-pure-ecstasy-inducing joy: creamy, rich and salty, and tinted copper with magnificent sticky bits of concentrated lusciousness from the bottom of the frying pan. It’s ambrosial, and quite possibly THE BEST chip-dunking sauce in existence too.

The recipe for Nigella’s Rump Steaks with Anchovy Cream Sauce can be found on p198 of At My Table.


Day 204: refreshing winter eating


Day 202: Christmas spirit