Day 217: ethereal comfort

Sometimes, something's just so good you can't quite put into words just how fantabulous it really is; it leaves you somewhat speechless/wordless, and no amount of thesaurus-studying or purple prose can help you (me) get the point across. This is that, and more! Two of my favourite things - a ragù and risotto - wedded with stock, butter and parmesan in attendance too, and delivered to mouth with the comfort of simply a spoon. Ethereal, soothingly savoury and deeply good: Day 217 is Nigella’s Risotto al Ragù.

Nigella’s Risotto al Ragù

I’m still at the humming and harring stage of whether or not to buy a food processor. I do want one, but have my eye on a rather expensive one, if truth be told. And if we’re being honest, I really don’t have the space for one either, in addition to not being able to afford the one I want. In the meantime, I’m happy to find alternatives until space and funds permit the purchase of said “dream” processor.

I grated the carrot, onion, garlic and celery into a bowl, snipped in the bacon, anchovies and parsley with scissors, and then blitzed it all to a mush with a stick blender. Proceeded as per the recipe from there.

To my horror, I realised the marsala bottle was empty when I reached for the shelf to glug generously into the pan. In its stead, I generously glugged in Amontillado.

Recipe can be found on p355 of Kitchen and on (link below).


Day 218: cheese to face


Day 216: sunday night succour