Day 222: a camp cookie party

A Camp cookie party for Day 222: a batch of Nigella’s Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies and a big jug of cold, chicory-coffee flavoured milky goodness. The giddy jiggles of bums on seats and ear-to-ear grins on faces as I brought these to the table were a pure joy!

Nigella’s Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

Half of the dark chocolate I melted in was flecked with candied orange peel, which was rather yum, and I opted for milk choc chips as there's only so much dark chocolate I can handle!

These truly are totally chocolatey, the embodiment of a mythical chocolate deity, chocolate chip cookies! I’d like to say I practiced some self-restraint and froze half a batch; alas, all 12 were baked, and only a few remain to enjoy today. But do we feel bad about it? No.

The recipe can be found on p190 of Nigella Express and on (link below).


Day 223: it looks like pizza


Day 221: fadge-eye-ters