Day 293: slurp slurp slurp

That good I had another packet of noodles on the boil before we even sat down to slurp our way through this one (I actually face planted this tangle and slurped slurped slurped before sharing it with anyone else). Day 293 is Nigella’s Soba Noodles with Sesame Seeds. I’m not obsessive about spillages or stray droplets when plating/bowling up - it’s everyday life right - but I must admit, that rogue sesame seed on the lip of the bowl (bottom of photo) is kinda giving me palpitations!

Nigella’s Soba Noodles with Sesame Seeds

Nigella's Soba Noodles with Sesame Seeds

The recipe for this can be found in Summer and on (link below).


Day 294: my sentiments exactly


Day 292: a comforting concoction