Day 330: a new favourite (since 2017)

I must confess, I like my Christmas Day food the way it’s been for 30+ years: it’s that meal that happens once a year, carrying with it so many memories, and collects new ones along the way, that I don’t like to stray from the comfort (and deliciousness) of the familiar. That being said, this version of the what I consider Christmas-table-essential braised red cabbage has been the preferred source of stewed, purple sweetness - lively with the face-clenching sharpness of cranberries - for me since its release in At My Table in 2017. This marks its debut on the cookalong. Day 330 is Nigella’s Red Cabbage with Cranberries (pictured pre-cooked, as the serve-up on the day was a little too chaotic for photo ops).

Nigella’s Red Cabbage with Cranberries

Nigella's Red Cabbage with Cranberries

Recipe in At My Table and on (link below).


Day 331: snowballs in heaven


Day 329: slabs of deep pleasure