Day 219: blonde and squidgy

My favourite chocolate-nut combo delivered in a slab of chewy, gooey, squidgy, blonde gorgeousness: Day 219 is Nigella’s White Chocolate and Macadamia Brownies.

Nigella’s White Chocolate and Macadamia Brownies

I’m pretty sure my oven's doing funny things again; after 35 mins of baking the top was rock solid and the middle still molten. I turned the temp down and cooked for another 10 mins - still molten. I then cooked for another 10 mins and the outside perimeter of the giant blonde slab (approx. 3cm) had cooked to a soft biscotti-like texture. But, the middle patch remained lusciously moist and squidgy. All will be enjoyed greatly!

The recipe for Nigella’s White Chocolate and Macadamia Brownies can be found on p194-5 of How To Be A Domestic Goddess.


Day 220: soothing and nostalgic


Day 218: cheese to face